Monday, January 18, 2010

How To Tell The Difference Between Cold, Flu And Allergies

A cold, the flu and allergies have many overlapping symptoms, and so it can often be hard to tell which you have. To decide which you have, go through the complete list of traditional symptoms, and compare them to the chart below.

In general:

1. Colds are above the shoulder - Cold symptoms are milder and usually above the shoulders; runny nose, sore throat and stuffy nose are the most common symptoms. Aches and pains and a cough can also be present.

2. The flu is all over - The flu is more severe and includes a fever, body aches, headaches, fatigue and, sometimes a cough. Less common but still possible with the flu are sneezing, sore throat and stuffy nose.

3. Allergies are in the nose - Allergies are in the nose with nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, and clear nasal drainage. Fatigue is another common symptom. Often there will be severe itching in the nose, eyes and throat. All of these symptoms with come and go with the allergy counts and of course and person’s individual allergies.

The good news is that all of these illnesses can be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional, and if you live in our service areas, in the comfort of your own home. Call WhiteGlove House Call Health to schedule an appointment in your home or office. We’ll come to you, and bring prescription or over the counter medications to make you feel better. We’ll even bring chicken soup!


  1. Thanks for the information, I had to visit the Urgent Care in Austin because I let my "cold" get out of hand. Turns out I had the flu.

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