Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Impact of Healthcare Reform

What will the new healthcare reform mean to your company? It means that you have to provide health insurance for all your employees, and that you have to pay a substantial portion of the premium; it means you are going to be spending more rather than less on benefits.

The effect of this is that many companies are planning to move to consumer-driven or high deductible health insurance plans to lower their overall premiums. But many have said that they will then additionally provide WhiteGlove to their employees and dependents for routine medical care.

How Will This Work?
WhiteGlove House Call Health is a membership-based routine healthcare provider. A company pays an annual fee per employee and dependents, and then that employee can use WhiteGlove as often as desired for any routine healthcare problems at a capped fee of $35 per visit. The visit fee includes medical care that comes to the employee’s home or office, generic prescription medications, a care package of foods, beverages, and over-the-counter remedies, and follow up care.

This approach lowers overall spending, caps costs for routine care, improves employee productivity, reduces absenteeism and helps with the potential morale problems caused by having to change your health plan.

WhiteGlove can help you understand how to lower your healthcare costs while improving employee morale! Visit our website to learn more.

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